Lists of Helpful Stuff

Three Lies Trauma Will Tell You When You’re Job Hunting

Three Lies Trauma Will Tell You When You’re Job Hunting

Trauma, especially any kind of abusive relationship, can leave us feeling inadequate, incompetent, and with a giant dollop of imposter syndrome. Not a great position to be in when wanting to put your best foot forward! The good news is that awareness of trauma’s big little lies can remind us that they’re just that—lies.

Three Ways to Support a Coworker Who Has PTSD

Three Ways to Support a Coworker Who Has PTSD

 Post-traumatic stress disorder (often known as PTSD) is more common that you might think. Since approximately 8% of the U.S. population (24.4 million people) has this issue at any given time, chances are good that you work with someone who has or has had PTSD. People can develop PTSD from lots of different experiences, not just combat. They might have been in a car accident, a natural disaster, an abusive relationship, or any number of dangerous events. Regardless of the cause, here are some ways you can be a supportive coworker.

In the Media Roundup

It’s been a rough time, I won’t lie. Since my father died so close to the holidays, it felt like a double whammy. One of the side effects of grief for me this time around has been feeling more quiet. So I haven’t been writing much myself, but I have been able to offer some tidbits to other writers. Check out some of the recent articles (including one at!) here. Happy reading!

  • published this great article after I spoke to them about positivity.

Soothing Sounds for Turbulent Times

Soothing Sounds for Turbulent Times

We can often put a lot of attention and effort into how our surroundings look, smell, and feel, but it’s easy to overlook how they sound. Thanks to technology, with the tap of an icon we can change the atmosphere around us in moments. Given the current atmosphere, I thought I’d share some of the resources I’ve found to be helpful for myself and clients